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Send notification including revision log message for node changes

Version v2


This model sends an email when any node got updated. That email contains a couple of tokens, e.g. the name of the user who edited the node and the link to the node. It also contains the the revision log message that the user has left in the edit form.

As the author may skip the revision log, this model also makes that field required.

The creation of that model has been recorded and there have actually some unexpected difficulties, that you can watch live, how they got resolved: Watch the video

In version 2 of this model, we've added content moderation functionality and a section field for a wiki page content type, such that email notifications get sent to different recipients depending on state and section of the updated node.

The creation of this model's enhancement has also been recorded: Watch the second video


  • config
  • module
    • eca_base
    • eca_content
    • eca_form
    • menu_ui

Used plugins






Initial version


Adding moderation states and sections