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Render: entity form

Available since: 1.1.0

Build an entity form using a specified entity.



Example: default, save, delete

Machine name

Optionally define a machine name of this render element. It will be made available under that name in the render array of the current event in scope. Nested elements can be set with using "][" brackets, for example details][title.

Token name

Optionally define a token name of this render element. It will be made available under that token name for later usage. Please provide the token name only, without brackets.

Element weight

Optionally specify an element weight. The lower the weight, the element appears before other elements having a higher weight.

Build mode

When using the "Defined by token" option, make sure there is a token with this name: eca_render_entity_form_mode


Provide the token name of the entity that this action should operate with. Please provide the token name only, without brackets.