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Tamper: Get number of words

Available since: 1.0.0

Get the number of words in a string


Comparison operator

The available comparison operators like equals or less than.
When using the "Defined by token" option, make sure there is a token with this name: eca_tamper_condition:word_count_operator

Comparison type

The type of the comparison.
When using the "Defined by token" option, make sure there is a token with this name: eca_tamper_condition:word_count_type

Case sensitive comparison

Compare the values based on case sensitivity.

Negate the condition

Negates the condition. Makes TRUE to FALSE and vice versa.


If limit is set and positive, the returned items will contain a maximum of limit with the last item containing the rest of string. If limit is negative, all components except the last -limit are returned. If the limit parameter is zero, then this is treated as 1. If limit is not set, then there will be no limit on the number of items returned.

Data to be tampered
Data to compare with