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VBO: Custom access for Views bulk operation

Available since: 1.0.0

Provided tokens

Token Description
[event] The event.
[event:view] The view config entity.
[event:view:id] The view ID.
[event:view:display_id] The display ID.
[event:action] The action plugin.
[event:action:plugin] The ID of the action plugin.
[event:action:condig] An array with key value pairs of the configuration of the plugin.
[event] The event.
[event:machine_name] The machine name of the ECA event.
[session_user] The user account that dispatched the event, regardless if ECA is processing models under a different account.


Operation name

Important note: The operation name is only available, when the operation got executed from the ECA bulk operations Views field plugin.

Optionally restrict by view ID
Optionally restrict by view display ID