Taxonomy url alias with an anchorΒΆ
This will walk you through how to re-write a taxonomy's url alias with an anchor ('#') (on creation or save). For this example we will use movie "gCinema (genre)" taxonomy.
We need to add two fields to our taxonomy term at "/admin/structure/taxonomy/manage/cinema_genre/overview/fields" All fields will be "plain text" "simeple text". Name the fields: field_cinema_g_name_html, and field_cinema_g_name_node_view.
Now go to /admin/config/workflow/eca
and create a "New Model", this will be our canvas to work with.
- First things first, lets give our model a name, so on the right side of your screen, you will find your details palate, (which we will refer later also).
General --> Name: Cinema (genre) Now click the "Save" button at the top of your screen"
Drag and drop "Create StartEvent" (the circle from the palate on the left), This will be our "Event to fire on" That will tell eca when to activate our code.
- Template: Pre-save content entity
Next we will add create a task for our code to do.
Click on our circle on our canvas, and you will see a small pop-up palete that contains a few items. Drag and drop the square or "Append Task" on to your canvas.
This task we are going to fill the "field_cinema_g_name_node_view" field that we created in our taxonomy term. - Genreal --> Name: set field value - Template: Entity: set field value - Custom properties --> Field name: field_cinema_g_name_node_view - Custom properties --> Field value: [term:name] (the reason we move the term name directly to the text field because in drupal using the term name in views and other systems is a bit tough, but a text field all system support)
Click on the circle again and add another task. This task chain will fill the "field_cinema_g_name_html" field we created on our taxonomy term. (the first event in this chain is to replace the spaces with dashes) - General --> Name: replace - Template: Tamper: find replace regex - Custom properties --> Data to be tampered: [term:name] - Custom properties --> Regex to find: /[\s]/ - Custom properties --> Replacement pattern: - - Custom properties --> Result token name: [cinema_g_name_html_replace]
While clicked on the square, use the small pop-up and add a task.
(now we need to take our resulting string from the above task and turn it all lowercase)
- General --> Name: lowercase
- Template: Tamper convert case
- Custom properties -- > Data to be tampered: [cinema_g_name_html_replace]
- Custom properties -- > How to convert case: Convert to lowercase
- Custom properties -- > Result token name: [cinema_g_name_html_lower]
While clicked on the square, use the small pop-up and add a task. (we now need to set the value of "field_cinema_g_name_html) - General --> Name: set field value - Template: Entity: set field value - Custom properties --> Field name: field_cinema_g_name_html - Custom properties --> Field value: [cinema_g_name_html_lower]
Now click on the circle again and add another task. (we need to set the value of the url alias of our taxonomy term) - General --> Name: replace - Template: Tamper: find replace regex - Custom properties --> Data to be tampered: [term:name] - Custom properties --> Regex to find: /[\s]/ - Custom properties --> Replacement pattern: - - Custom properties --> Result token name: [cinema_g_path_replace]
While clicked on the square, use the small pop-up and add a task.
(now we need to take our resulting string from the above task and turn it all lowercase)
- General --> Name: lowercase
- Template: Tamper convert case
- Custom properties -- > Data to be tampered: [cinema_g_path_replace]
- Custom properties -- > How to convert case: Convert to lowercase
- Custom properties -- > Result token name: [cinema_g_path_lower]
While clicked on the square, use the small pop-up and add a task. (we now need to set the value of "field_cinema_g_name_html) - General --> Name: set field value - Template: Entity: set field value - Custom properties --> Field name: path - Custom properties --> Field value: [cinema_g_path_lower]